Math + Halloween, Part 4
It's that time of year again. If you are looking for some math-themed costume ideas, then look no further. Though it gets harder to keep this tradition with each passing year, here are a few ideas is you're looking to rock that mathematical look at whatever event you are planning to attend during this frightful Halloween season. Ideas from previous years can be found here, here, and here.
Without further ado, let's begin!
1. Tony Stark
Yes, yes, I know - since Iron Man hit the screens in the summer of 2008, the titular character has become a popular costume idea, joining the ranks of comic book icons like Superman and Spiderman. I'm not talking about dressing up as Iron Man, though. Instead, I am recommending a costume based on the man inside the suit - Tony Stark, playboy billionaire and (more importantly) mathematical wünderkind. All you really need is some delicately coiffed facial hair and a glowing circle on your chest. Aside from that, the world is really your oyster. You could go as classy Tony stark, for example:

Or, if you're looking for a more rugged look, you could try prisoner of war Tony Stark:

As with many things in life, the only limit is really your imagination.
2. Rubik's Cube
I know, this bears a striking similarity to Rubik's cube head from one of my earlier posts - but this one is even better, because not only does it drape over your body, it also explicitly states you are a Rubik's cube, for those guests at the event you attend who have been living in a cave for the past thirty years.

RetroCRUSH has the costume on a list of the worst Halloween costumes of all time, an honor with which I must respectfully disagree. I will concede, though, that if you are looking to score some ladies (or fellas), this may not be your best option.
While we're on the subject, though, I'd like to send a quick shout out to Parks and Recreation for featuring Rubik's Cube Head as a costume in their recent Halloween episode. Here's a picture of that fantastic party attendee standing next to Rob Lowe, who is sporting a less exciting Sherlock Holmes costume.
Rob Lowe next to Rubik's Cube Head
3. Human Calculator
This one requires some work, but the payoff may be worth it. First, one must decide what type of calculator to become. Then one must decide on the size - should it be a full body costume, or centered only on the torso, for example? No matter what path you choose, however, the most important thing is getting the details right. Nobody likes a costume made by an inferior craftsman (or craftswoman, for that matter).
Here is an example of a calculator costume gone right. Note the pride this individual takes in his work. No doubt he secured many digits on Halloween.
Click to go to the source link.
No matter what you ultimately decide, I hope your Halloween is a good one. See you next year!
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